The Story We Tell Ourselves
August 12
I stumbled across this timely quote in my files. In light of how we are inundated with today’s social media and how we are influenced by what others may think of us, I wonder how this quote resonates with you, the reader.
“We all have stories we tell ourselves.
We tell ourselves we are too fat, or too ugly, or too old, or too foolish.
We tell ourselves these stories because they allow us to excuse our actions, and they allow us to pass off the responsibility for things we have done - maybe to something within our control, but anything other than the decisions we have made.
And it is past time, I think, for you to stop telling that particular story, and tell the story of yourself.
Stop defining yourself in terms of them.
You don't just have to exist in the empty spaces they leave.
There are times in our lives when we have to realize our past is precisely what it is, and we cannot change it.
But we can change the story we tell ourselves about it, and by doing that, we can change the future.”
― Eleanor Brown, The Weird Sisters—